Sunday, June 21, 2009

Episode 1

The premier episode starring Hosts Max and Rastaman as well as guest Vinny. Together we discuss making the world a better place by way of superpowers, President Obama and Racism. Hilarity Ensues. MI: Episode 1


  1. reverse osmosis refers to diffusion AGAINST the concentration gradient. R.O. is not Osmosis. I would draw a diagram for you, but....go to hell.

  2. If I could have any superpower, I would want the ability to almost instantaneously absorb unlimited amounts of information, from any source, with just a touch, and have perfect recall of it all. So I could just touch a book and in a matter of seconds have it read, or hold an Encarta CD in my hand and absorb the entire encyclopedia in a matter of minutes. I would go to libraries and bookstores, moving from shelf to shelf, sucking up everything I could get my hands on, gaining all kinds of crazy knowledge and skills. But see, then I would start to run into that gray villain-ish category, like Mike was talking about, because the more knowledge I gained, the more I would want, and the harder it would be to find information that I didn't already know. Cause you're right: the only truly interesting villains are the ones who think they're doing good. I disagree with the example of someone doing bad things because they're blackmailed into it -- they're not villains, they're simply good guys being coerced into doing bad things. A great example is Doc Ock from Spider-Man 2. He was robbing and stealing, but only to fund and finish his work of harnessing fusion energy for the benefit of all mankind. Also, Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest good vs. evil epics ever, but Sauron is a very 1 dimensional opponent, because he's simply evil for evil's sake. He has no motivation other than that he is Sauron, and apparently Sauron = evil overlord bent on destruction.

    And by the way, while I think nails and things like that are more likedly to be loaded into a blunderbuss, I'm pretty sure you could, in fact, throw silverware in there in a pinch. I'd allow it! (though I'd also check the arms & equipment guide later)
